


Je suis tellement désolé mon petit ange…I wasn’t able to save you and I’m so sorry. When I first brought you home we had made a pact to be together for at least 20 years. La maladie a décidé autrement. I did all I could to get you the best doctors and they couldn’t do more than what they did. Tu vas toujours être l’amour de ma vie. Je pleur à tous les jours depuis ton départ. My heart is broken. You were always by my side. I snuck you into restaurants, hospitals wherever I went you were with me. Rien ne peut remplacer le vide que je ressens. You were my little girl and I loved you so much. I fell in love from the first time I saw you. Those big brown expressive eyes …you were my family. Les gens me disent, Diva a vécu une vie incroyable grâce à toi, elle était mieux traitée que la plupart des enfants dans le monde. I wish I could have given you a longer life. I wasn’t ready to lose you…you were everything to me. Nothing can replace the bond we had …parfois j’ai l’impression de te voir dans le ciel avec des ailes d’ange …I smile and think how lucky am I to have a Guardian Angel by my side. Con tanto amore …tua mammina xoxo 

Nadia Ciancotti